Monday, July 17, 2017

Welcome Elementary Anatomy Students and Families!

I am looking forward to exploring human anatomy and physiology with your student.  My goal is  that they will learn a little about how God created us and of course have a little fun along the way!

I hope to use this blog as a site to post information about class and interesting websites that will enhance our learning environment while we are not in class. The links to the various lessons are located in the column on the right.

The Info page has a link to the class syllabus along with information regarding how I hope to organize homework for this year.  Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress and I will make adjustments as needed.  So once we get started, let me know how things are going for you and your student!

Hair follicle found in skin.
The picture on the left is a picture taken of skin under the microscope.  Did you know that skin is an organ?  Skin is an organ of the Integumentary System.  All organs are made up of different types of tissue.  There are only 4 types of tissue in the body:

1. Epithelial tissue
2. Muscular tissue
3. Nervous tissue
4. Connective tissue.

The Dark staining purple area that makes a "v" shape is epithelial tissue.

The lighter staining areas are connective tissue as indicated on the picture.  And the area labeled SB is an example of a sebaceous gland or oil gland.  The cells of the sebaceous gland secrete an oily substance that protects your skin.

All of these tissues are made up of different kinds of cells. What is a cell?!  So glad you asked!  In our first lesson, we will learn about cells!