Nervous & Endocrine systems

L9 Nervous System & Endocrine System Study Guide

L9 Vocabulary Worksheet

Online brain jigsaw puzzle
Online neuron jigsaw puzzle
Online brain maze

The picture on the left is from the cerebellum of a piglet brain.  This was taken from a very thin slice under a microscope and stained so that cells can be seen.

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that is involved in coordination of voluntary movements and other activities.


The picture on the right is a high magnification picture of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a part of the brain that is involved in storing memories - especially long term memories.

Neuron in the brain

The black and white picture on the left shows a neuron located in the brain. At this magnification, you can see numerous dendrites branching off of the cell body.

Below are pictures of clay brain models made by our Elementary Anatomy Class.

Our elementary students enjoyed making clay models of the brain. They color coded the three major parts of the brain that we are studying in this chapter: Cerebrum, Cerebellum and the Brainstem.

The largest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum does lots of things but we focused on the function of thinking and voluntary movement.

We also learned about the cerebellum. The cerebellum is mostly involved in coordination of movement and balance and other activities.

The final section of the brain that we discussed was the brainstem.  The brainstem connects the brain with the spinal cord.  The function of the brainstem is to control body functions that are required for life.  These things include breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and consciousness.

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