Your Senses

Your Senses Study Guide                                                                           
Youtube video on the nose and sense of smell   
Another video on the sense of smell                   
Sense of smell animation                                                                                                                     

Sense of taste video           
Another video on taste

KidsHealth Ear Video

The pinna or auricle is the outer part of the ear that is visible as shown in the picture to the left. It helps capture sound waves so those sound waves can be sent through the external auditory canal in order to reach the eardrum, which is also called the tympanic membrane. The vibrations of the eardrum travel through the fluid of the middle ear to the smallest bones of the body.  There are 3 small bones in your middle ear.  Do you remember what they are called? Check at the bottom of this page for the answer.
Sound travels from these bones to the cochlea of the inner ear.  These vibrations stimulate the nerves which send signals to your brain where we hear sound.

LASIK Eye Surgery
Exploration Cow Eye Dissection - Watch a video of  the cow eye dissection.
Exploratorium Cow Dissection Instructions
Science Friday Cow Eye Dissection Guide
Exploratorium Cow Eye Dissection Video
Label the eye online quiz - purpose quiz

"Don't shoot 'til you see the whites of their eyes!"  The white part of the eye that you see, is the sclera.  The sclera is the tough, protective outer covering of the eye.

What color eyes do you have? When we talk about the color of your eyes, we are talking about the iris. Interestingly, the iris is a muscle! The iris muscle controls how much light gets into the eye.

The pupil or the dark, black hole in the center of the iris is just that - a hole!  This hole or pupil is where light enters.  The size changes depending on how bright it is.

It's not easily seen in these pictures, but the cornea is a clear covering that is on top of the iris.  Light has to travel through the cornea in order to enter the pupil.  The cornea is the first time that light is focused so that it can enter the eye.

Beneath the iris and not seen in these pictures is the lens. The lens is a flexible, transparent structure that focuses the light onto the retina in the back of the eye. The retina contains rods and cones that send an upside down picture to the brain where we "see".

1. Three smallest bones in the middle ear are the malleus, incus and stapes.

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