
Elementary Anatomy Syllabus - 4th & 5th Grade
Lab Worksheet - To be used through out the year

Advanced Biology Blog - This is a link to the blog that I used for my high school class last year. There are great sites on here but some of them may be way too detailed for our class. And there are a few blank pages as I was not able to keep up with the blog as I taught! 😊

Hello Students & Parents!

I hope this blog site will be helpful for you as we study anatomy & physiology this year.  There are pages dedicated to each lesson (chapter) in the textbook. The links are listed in the column on the right.  On each page I will try to have links to any handouts that I will be using, interesting websites and videos that might be helpful or interesting that pertain to that lesson (chapter).  This blog is a work in progress and I will update it as we go along.  So right now most of the lesson pages are blank. 

For each Lesson in the textbook, I will prepare a packet of handouts that you will need to place in a folder with the prongs. (Pictures below).  I will grade the packet/folder on the day that the syllabus says "Completed Folder Due"  The reason that I did this is because I want you to have a little flexibility in when and how you complete the assignments.  While some students may be able to read and complete the study guide during week one on the lesson, other students might need the second week to complete the study guide.  However, I would ask that at least half of the lesson be read and half of the study guide be completed during the first week it is assigned. This will enable me to make sure the answers are correct - without grading it.

Once we complete a lesson, the packet of papers can be either moved to a three ring binder so you can reuse the folder for the next lesson. Or use a new folder for each lesson.  

Also, in addition to the homework, while we will do a few of the Try It Sections in class, I encourage you to do these at home as they are fun and will enhance your child's understanding of the material.  And don't forget about the Apologia Extras on their website!  Enjoy!

A Folder for Elementary Anatomy
Keep a copy of the syllabus at the beginning of
the folder so that you always know where
it is at!

Study Guide

Coloring Sheet

Lab Worksheet

Worksheets will vary depending on the

Crossword Puzzle

Second page of Crossword Puzzle

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